Oct 28, 20204 min read
There is no true care without self-care
As a carer, it is not only important to know how to truly care for someone else but also how to truly care for yourself. I have learned a...

Aug 23, 20181 min read
Empowerment, Responsibility and living with cancer
In the beginning after the first cancer diagnosis I looked everywhere outside myself for the cause of the breast cancer and blamed ‘God and

Aug 6, 20181 min read
Trying to cure breast cancer naturally
When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer 16 years ago, I looked all over the world trying to find a natural way to cure breast...

Apr 25, 20181 min read
Living joyfully with terminal cancer
'Living joyfully with terminal cancer' is the first video in a series I plan to release about the 16 years that I have been living with...

Mar 27, 20184 min read
Growing up with Anxiety
As a little child I already had anxiety in my body and it was part of my daily life. After the war in Germany my parents put me in and...

Jan 28, 20184 min read
From shock to deep joy – living well with a chronic disease
Living with breast cancer nearly 16 years now my relationship, approach, attitude and feeling about it has changed dramatically over the...

Dec 30, 20176 min read
From wine to water: How I finally quit drinking alcohol with the help of Universal Medicine and Serg
I was drunk for the first time when I was in primary school (by accident – I didn’t know what I was drinking). I was at a friend’s...

Oct 30, 20173 min read
To care and to be cared for
I have experienced what it is like to be cared for after several surgeries and I have also cared for a terminally ill friend until and...

Oct 24, 20173 min read
Learning to self-nurture in my elder years – how it has enriched my life
Over the years and living with breast cancer for 15 years I have developed a good (and quite different) understanding of self-nurturing....

Aug 8, 20176 min read
Judith and Ingrid – the unfolding of a beautiful friendship
This is the record of a beautiful and loving friendship between Judith and me. It took me 2 years to start writing about this deep and...

Aug 8, 20177 min read
Warning: Sympathy hurts and can be harming to your health
Take it from someone who has lived with cancer for over 14 years – if you want to support a friend, a family member, a colleague, anybody...

Jul 25, 20175 min read
Preparing to pass over . . . and having fun with it
It can be fun preparing for passing over. That might sound crazy because passing over is usually perceived as something scary, unknown,...